Source code for swat_em.datamodel

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides a central class for data 
import json
import os
import fractions
import math
import copy
import string
import gzip
import gc
import numpy as np
from swat_em import analyse
from swat_em import report as rep
from swat_em import wdggenerator
from swat_em.config import config, get_phase_color
from swat_em import plots

[docs]class datamodel: ''' Provides a central place for all data. All analysis functions are connect with this class. ''' file_format = 1 machinedata_keys = ['Q', 'p', 'm', 'phases', 'wstep', 'Qes'] results_keys = ['q', 'nu_el', 'Ei_el', 'kw_el', 'phaseangle_el', 'nu_mech', 'Ei_mech', 'kw_mech', 'phaseangle_mech', 'valid', 'error'] def __init__(self): self.reset_data() self.reset_results() def __str__(self): txt = [] txt.append('WINDING DATAMODEL') txt.append('=================') txt.append('') txt.append('Title: ' + self.get_title()) txt.append('Number of slots: {}'.format(self.get_num_slots())) txt.append('Number of poles: {}'.format(2*self.get_num_polepairs())) txt.append('Number of phases: {}'.format(self.get_num_phases())) txt.append('Number of layers: {}'.format(self.get_num_layers())) txt.append('Winding step : {}'.format(self.get_windingstep())) txt.append('Number of slots per pole per phase: {}'.format(self.get_q())) wf = [str(round(k, 3)) for k in self.get_fundamental_windingfactor()] txt.append('Fundamental winding factor: {}'.format(', '.join(wf))) return '\n'.join(txt)
[docs] def reset_data(self): ''' resets all data of the datamodel ''' self.title = '' self.notes = '' self.machinedata = {} for key in self.machinedata_keys: self.machinedata[key] = None self.set_turns(1) self.set_machinedata(Qes = 0) self.generator_info ={}
[docs] def reset_results(self): ''' Remove all existing results ''' self.results = {} for key in self.results_keys: self.results[key] = None
[docs] def set_title(self, title): ''' Set the title of the winding Parameters ---------- title : string title ''' self.title = title
[docs] def get_title(self): ''' Get the title of the winding Returns ---------- title : string title ''' if self.title == '': return 'Untitled' else: return self.title
[docs] def get_notes(self): ''' Get notes for the winding Returns ---------- notes : string Some notes ''' return self.notes
[docs] def set_notes(self, notes): ''' Set additional notes for the winding Parameters ---------- notes : string Some notes ''' self.notes = notes
[docs] def set_machinedata(self, Q = None, p = None, m = None, Qes = None): ''' setting the machine data Parameters ---------- Q : integer number of slots p : integer number of pole pairs m: integer number of phases ''' if Q: self.set_num_slots(int(Q)) if p: self.set_num_polepairs(int(p)) if m: self.set_num_phases(int(m)) if Qes: self.set_num_empty_slots(int(Qes))
[docs] def set_phases(self, S, turns = 1, wstep = None): ''' setting the winding layout Parameters ---------- S : list of lists winding layout for every phase, for example: S = [[1,-2], [3,-4], [5,-6]]. This means there are 3 phases with phase 1 in in slot 1 and in slot 2 with negativ winding direction. For double layer windings there must be additional lists: S = [[[1, -4], [-3, 6]], [[3, -6], [-5, 2]], [[-2, 5], [4, -1]]] Hint: [[[first layer], [second layer]], ... ] wstep : integer winding step (slots as unit) ''' if not hasattr(S[0][0], '__iter__'): for k in range(len(S)): S[k] = [S[k], []] if hasattr(turns, '__iter__'): if not hasattr(turns[0][0], '__iter__'): for k in range(len(turns)): turns[k] = [turns[k], []] self.machinedata['phases'] = S self.set_turns(turns) self.set_machinedata(m = len(S)) self.machinedata['phasenames'] = [string.ascii_uppercase[k] for k in range(len(S))] if wstep: self.set_windingstep(wstep)
def set_valid(self, valid, error, info = ''): self.generator_info['valid'] = valid self.generator_info['error'] = error self.generator_info['info'] = info
[docs] def genwdg(self, Q, P, m, layers, w = -1, turns = 1, empty_slots = 0): ''' Generates a winding layout and stores it in the datamodel Parameters ---------- Q : integer number of slots P : integer number of poles m : integer number of phases w : integer winding step (1 for tooth coils) layers : integer number of coil sides per slot turns : integer number of turns per coil empty_slots : integer Defines the number of empty slots ("dead coil winding") -1: Choose number of empty slots automatically (the smallest possible number is choosen) 0: No empty slots >0: Manual defined number of empty slots ''' wdglayout = wdggenerator.genwdg(Q, P, m, w, layers, empty_slots) self.set_machinedata(Q, int(P/2), m, wdglayout['Qes']) self.set_phases(S = wdglayout['phases'], turns = turns, wstep = wdglayout['wstep']) self.set_valid(valid = wdglayout['valid'], error = wdglayout['error'], info = wdglayout['info']) self.analyse_wdg()
[docs] def get_num_layers(self): ''' Returns the number of layers of the actual winding layout ''' l = 1 for p in self.get_phases(): if len(p[1]) > 0: l = 2 return l
[docs] def get_basic_characteristics(self): ''' Returns the basic charactericits of the winding as dictionary and a html string ''' if not 'basic_char' in self.results.keys(): bc = analyse.get_basic_characteristics( self.get_num_slots() , 2*self.get_num_polepairs(), self.get_num_phases(), self.get_phases(), self.get_turns(), self.get_num_empty_slots()) bc['r'] = self.get_radial_force_modes(num_modes = config['radial_force']['num_modes']) bc['sigma_d'] = self.get_double_linked_leakage() bc['t'] = self.get_periodicity_t() self.results['basic_char'] = bc else: bc = self.results['basic_char'] dat = [['Number of slots ', rep.italic('Q: '), str(self.get_num_slots())], ['Number of empty slots ', rep.italic('Qes: '), str(self.get_num_empty_slots())], ['Number of poles ', rep.italic('2p: '), str(2*self.get_num_polepairs())], ['Number of phases ', rep.italic('m: '), str(self.get_num_phases())], ['slots per 2p per m ', rep.italic('q: '), str(bc['q'])], ['winding step ', rep.italic('ws: '), str(self.get_windingstep())]] for i, k in enumerate(bc['kw1']): dat.append(['winding factor (m={}) '.format(i+1), rep.italic('kw1: '), str(round(k,3)) ]) dat.append(['double linked leakage ', rep.italic('σ<sub>d: </sub>'), str(round(bc['sigma_d'], 3))]) dat.append(['lcm(Q, P) ', '', str(bc['lcmQP'])]) dat.append(['periodic base winding ', rep.italic('t: '), str(bc['t'])]) a_ = [str(i) for i in analyse.Divisors(bc['a'])] dat.append(['parallel connection ', rep.italic('a: '), ','.join(a_)]) r_ = [str(i) for i in bc['r']] dat.append(['radial force modes ', rep.italic('r: '), ','.join(r_)+',..']) if bc['sym']:# and bc['a']: dat.append(['symmetric ', '', str(bc['sym'])]) else: dat.append(['symmetric '), '',['sym']))]) # if 'valid' in self.generator_info.keys(): # if self.generator_info['valid']: # dat.append(['valid ', '', 'True']) # else: # dat.append(['valid '), '','False')]) txt = rep.table(dat) if bc['error']: txt.append('error: ' + str(bc['error']))) if len(self.notes) > 0: # txt.append('<br><br>' + rep.bold(Notes) + ':<br>') txt.append(rep.bold('<br><br>Notes<br>')) txt.append(rep.italic(self.notes)) txt = ''.join(txt) return bc, txt
[docs] def get_radial_force_modes(self, num_modes = None): ''' Returns the radial force modes caused by the winding. The results includes also the modes with a multiple of the phase-number (which aren't there if the machine is star-connected). Parameters ---------- num_modes : integer Max. number of modes. If not given the default value from the config file is used Returns ------- MMK: list radial force modes ''' if num_modes == None: num_modes = config['radial_force']['num_modes'] if 'MMK' not in self.results.keys(): self._calc_MMK() return analyse.calc_radial_force_modes(self.results['MMK']['MMK'], self.get_num_phases(), num_modes = num_modes)
[docs] def get_num_series_turns(self): ''' Returns the number of turns in series per phase. If the number of coil sides per phase or number of turns per phase is not identically than a mean value of turns of all phases is returned. Returns ------- w: number number of turns in series per phase ''' S2 = analyse._flatten(self.get_phases()) turns2 = self.get_turns() if hasattr(turns2, '__iter__'): turns2 = analyse._flatten(turns2) if not hasattr(turns2, '__iter__'): # constant number of turns w = 0 for k in S2: w += len(k) w *= turns2 else: # variable number of turns w = 0 for k1 in range(len(S2)): for k2 in range(len(S2[k1])): w += S2[k1][k2] * turns2[k1][k2] w = w / 2 / self.get_num_phases() return w
[docs] def get_double_linked_leakage(self): ''' Returns the coefficient of the double linkead leakage flux. This number is a measure of the harmonic content of the MMF in the airgap caused by the winding. As higher the number as higher the harmonics. Returns ------- sigma_d: float coefficient of the double linkead leakage flux ''' if 'MMK' not in self.results.keys(): self._calc_MMK() Cnu = np.abs(analyse.DFT(self.results['MMK']['MMK'][:-1]))[1:] nu = np.arange(1, len(Cnu)+1) p = self.get_num_polepairs() I = 1 # current for MMK w = self.get_num_series_turns() if w != 0: kw = Cnu * np.pi * nu / (3*np.sqrt(2)*I*w) sigma_d = analyse.double_linked_leakage(kw, nu, p) else: sigma_d = -1 return sigma_d
[docs] def calc_num_basic_windings_t(self): ''' Calculates and returns the number of basic windings 't' for the actual winding layout Returns ------- t: integer Periodicity for the winding layout ''' l, ls, lcol = self.get_layers() layers, Q = l.shape t = 1 i = 2 while i<=Q//2: if Q % i == 0: length = Q//i is_t = True for k in range(i-1): if not np.all( l[:,k*length:(k+1)*length] == l[:,(k+1)*length:(k+2)*length] ): is_t = False if is_t: t = i i += 1 return t
[docs] def get_num_slots(self): ''' Returns the number of slots Q Returns ------- Q: integer number of slots ''' return self.machinedata['Q']
[docs] def set_num_slots(self, Q): ''' Sets the number of slots Q Parameters ---------- Q : integer number of slots ''' self.machinedata['Q'] = Q
[docs] def get_num_polepairs(self): ''' Returns the number of pole-pairs p Returns ------- p: integer number of pole-pairs ''' return self.machinedata['p']
[docs] def set_num_polepairs(self, p): ''' Sets the number of pole pairs p Parameters ---------- p : integer number of pole pairs ''' self.machinedata['p'] = p
[docs] def get_num_phases(self): ''' Returns the number of phases m Returns ------- m: integer number of phases ''' return self.machinedata['m']
[docs] def set_num_phases(self, m): ''' Sets the number of phases m Parameters ---------- m : integer number of phases ''' self.machinedata['m'] = m
[docs] def get_windingstep(self): ''' Returns the winding step Returns ------- w: integer winding step ''' return self.machinedata['wstep']
[docs] def set_windingstep(self, w): ''' Sets the winding step w Parameters ---------- w : integer winding step ''' self.machinedata['wstep'] = w
def set_num_empty_slots(self, Qes): self.machinedata['Qes'] = Qes def get_num_empty_slots(self): if self.machinedata['Qes'] is not None: return self.machinedata['Qes'] else: return 0
[docs] def get_phases(self): ''' Returns the definition of the winding layout. For every phase there is a sublist which contains the slot number which are allocated to the phase. phases phases[0] contains the slot numbers for the first phase phases[1] contains the slot numbers for the second phase phases[m-1] contains the slot numbers for the last phase Returns ------- phases: list of lists winding layout ''' return self.machinedata['phases']
[docs] def get_layers(self): ''' Returns the definition of the winding layout alternative to the 'get_phases' function. For every layer (with the length of the number of slots) there is a sublist which contains the phase-number. layers[0][0] contains the phase number for first layer and first slot layers[0][1] contains the phase number for first layer and second slot layers[0][Q-1] contains the phase number for first layer and last slot layers[1][0] contains the phase number for second layer and first slot Returns ------- layers: numpy array winding layout slayers: numpy array same as 'layers' but as string layers_col: numpy array phase colors ''' N = self.get_num_layers() Q = self.get_num_slots() layers = np.zeros([N, Q], dtype=int) layers_s = np.array(layers, dtype=str) layers_col = np.array(layers, dtype=str) layers_col[:] = '#FFFFFF' m = self.get_num_phases() for kl in range(N): for km in range(m): col = get_phase_color(km) for kcs in range(len(self.machinedata['phases'][km][kl])): slot = self.machinedata['phases'][km][kl][kcs] if slot > 0: layers[kl,abs(slot)-1] = (km+1) layers_s[kl,abs(slot)-1] = '+'+str(km+1) elif slot < 0: layers[kl,abs(slot)-1] = -(km+1) layers_s[kl,abs(slot)-1] = '-'+str(km+1) layers_col[kl, abs(slot)-1] = col return layers, layers_s, layers_col
[docs] def get_phasenames(self): ''' Returns the names of the phases as a series of characters 'A', 'B', 'C', ... with length of the number of phases Returns ------- phasenames: list names of the phases Examples -------- if there are m = 3 phases: >>> data.get_phasenames() ['A', 'B', 'C'] ''' return self.machinedata['phasenames']
[docs] def get_windingfactor_el(self): ''' Returns the windings factors with respect to the electrical ordinal numbers Returns ------- nu: numpy array ordinal numbers kw: 2D numpy array windings factors, (one column for each phase) ''' return np.array(self.results['nu_el']), np.array(self.results['kw_el'])
[docs] def get_windingfactor_mech(self): ''' Returns the windings factors with respect to the electrical ordinal numbers Returns ------- nu: numpy array ordinal numbers kw: 2D numpy array windings factors, (one column for each phase) ''' return np.array(self.results['nu_mech']), np.array(self.results['kw_mech'])
[docs] def get_fundamental_windingfactor(self): ''' Returns the fundamental winding factors for each phase Returns ------- kw: list windings factors, (one entry for each phase) ''' return self.results['kw_el'][0]
[docs] def get_turns(self): ''' Returns the number of turns. If all coil sides has the same number of turns, the return value is a scalar. If every coil side has an individual number of turns, the return value consists of lists with the same shape as the winding layout (phases) Returns ------- turns: integer, float or list of lists number of turns ''' return self.machinedata['turns']
[docs] def get_is_symmetric(self): ''' Returns the symmetry of the winding Returns ------- is_symmetric: Boolean True if the winding is symmetric False if the winding is not symmetric ''' return self.results['wdg_is_symmetric']
[docs] def get_periodicity_t(self): ''' Returns the periodicity of the winding. In most cases t = gcd(Q,p). For user defined windings this may be different. Returns ------- t: integer Number of periodic base windings ''' if 't' not in self.results: try: self.results['t'] = self.calc_num_basic_windings_t() except: self.results['t'] = -1 return self.results['t']
[docs] def get_parallel_connections(self): ''' Returns all possible parallel connections of the winding. Returns ------- a: list Number of possible parallel connections ''' return [i for i in analyse.Divisors(self.results['a'])]
[docs] def get_lcmQP(self): ''' Returns the lowest common multiple of the slot number Q and the number of Poles. For permanent-magnet machines this value represents the first ordinal number for the cogging torque. Returns ------- lcmQP: integer Lowest common multiple lcm(Q, P) ''' return self.results['lcmQP']
[docs] def set_turns(self, turns): ''' Sets the number of turns. If all coil sides has the same number of turns, the parameter should be an scalar. If every coil side has an individual number of turns, the parameter value have to consist of lists with the same shape as the winding layout (phases) Parameters ---------- turns: integer, float or list of lists number of turns ''' self.machinedata['turns'] = turns
[docs] def get_q(self): ''' Returns the number of slots per pole per phase. Returns ------- layers: Fraction number of slots per pole per phase ''' if 'q' not in self.results.keys(): q = fractions.Fraction((self.get_num_slots()-self.get_num_empty_slots()) / ( self.get_num_phases()*2*self.get_num_polepairs())).limit_denominator(100) self.results['q'] = q return self.results['q']
def _set_q(self, q): ''' Sets the number of slots per pole per phase q Parameters ---------- q : integer number of slots per pole per phase ''' self.results['q'] = q
[docs] def analyse_wdg(self): ''' Do a detailled analyses of the winding. This includes winding factors, detection of periodicity and symmetry, radial force modes and so on. Use the get_* functions for getting the results. ''' self.reset_results() # number of slots per pole and phase q = fractions.Fraction((self.get_num_slots()-self.get_num_empty_slots()) / ( self.get_num_phases()*2*self.get_num_polepairs())).limit_denominator(100) self._set_q(q) # base winding # self.results['t'] = math.gcd(self.machinedata['Q'], self.machinedata['p']) self.results['t'] = self.calc_num_basic_windings_t() # electrical winding factor a, b, c, d = analyse.calc_kw( self.machinedata['Q'], self.machinedata['phases'], self.machinedata['turns'], self.machinedata['p'], config['N_nu_el'], config ) self.results['nu_el'] = a self.results['Ei_el'] = b self.results['kw_el'] = c self.results['phaseangle_el'] = d # mechanical winding factor a, b, c, d = analyse.calc_kw( self.machinedata['Q'], self.machinedata['phases'], self.machinedata['turns'], 1.0, config['N_nu_mech'], config ) self.results['nu_mech'] = a self.results['Ei_mech'] = b self.results['kw_mech'] = c self.results['phaseangle_mech'] = d # winding symmetric? self.results['wdg_is_symmetric'] = analyse.wdg_is_symmetric(self.results['Ei_el'], self.machinedata['m']) # periodicity of the winding (radial force, parallel connection)? self.results['wdg_periodic'] = analyse.wdg_get_periodic(self.results['Ei_el'], self.machinedata['phases']) # MMK if 'MMK' not in self.results.keys(): self._calc_MMK() bc, bc_txt = self.get_basic_characteristics() self.results['basic_char'] = bc self.results['t'] = bc['t'] self.results['a'] = bc['a'] self.results['lcmQP'] = bc['lcmQP']
def _calc_MMK(self): phi, MMK, theta = analyse.calc_MMK(self.get_num_slots(), self.get_num_phases(), self.get_phases(), self.get_turns(), N = config['num_MMF_points']) nu = list(range(config['max_nu_MMK']+1)) HA = analyse.DFT(MMK[:-1])[:config['max_nu_MMK']+1] self.results['MMK'] = {} self.results['MMK']['MMK'] = MMK self.results['MMK']['phi'] = phi self.results['MMK']['theta'] = theta self.results['MMK']['nu'] = nu self.results['MMK']['HA'] = HA
[docs] def plot_layout(self, filename, res = None, show = False): ''' Generates a figure of the winding layout Parameters ------- filename: string file-name with extension to save the figure res: list Resolution for the figure in pixes for x and y direction example: res = [800, 600] show: Bool If true the window pops up for interactive usage ''' if res == None: res = config['plt']['res'] plt = plots._slot_plot(None, None, self) plt.plot_slots(self.get_num_slots()) plt.plot(self, show = show) = filename, res = res)
[docs] def plot_overhang(self, filename, res = None, show = False, optimize_overhang = False): ''' Generates a figure of the winding layout Parameters ------- filename: string file-name with extension to save the figure res: list Resolution for the figure in pixes for x and y direction example: res = [800, 600] show: Bool If true the window pops up for interactive usage ''' if res == None: res = config['plt']['res'] plt = plots._overhang_plot(None, None, self) plt.plot(show = show, optimize_overhang = optimize_overhang) = filename, res = res)
[docs] def plot_star(self, filename, res = None, ForceX = True, show = False): ''' Generates a figure of the star voltage phasors Parameters ------- filename: string file-name with extension to save the figure res: list Resolution for the figure in pixes for x and y direction example: res = [800, 600] ForceX: Bool If true the voltage phasors are rotated in such way, that the resulting phasor of the first phase matches the x-axis show: Bool If true the window pops up for interactive usage ''' if res == None: res = config['plt']['res'] plt = plots._slot_star(None, None, self, None) plt.plot(self, harmonic_idx = 0, ForceX = ForceX, show = show) = filename, res = res)
[docs] def plot_windingfactor(self, filename, res = None, mechanical = True, show = False): ''' Generates a figure of the winding layout Parameters ------- filename: string file-name with extension to save the figure m: list Resolution for the figure in pixes for x and y direction example: res = [800, 600] mechanical: Bool If true the winding factor is plotted with respect to the mechanical ordinal numbers. If false the electrical ordinal numbers are used show: Bool If true the window pops up for interactive usage ''' if res == None: res = config['plt']['res'] plt = plots._windingfactor(None, None, self, None) plt.plot(self, mechanical = mechanical, show = show) = filename, res = res)
[docs] def plot_MMK(self, filename, res = None, phase = 0, show = False): ''' Generates a figure of the winding layout Parameters ------- filename: string file-name with extension to save the figure res: list Resolution for the figure in pixes for x and y direction example: res = [800, 600] phase: float phase angle for the current system in electical degree in the range 0..360° show: Bool If true the window pops up for interactive usage ''' if res == None: res = config['plt']['res'] plt = plots._mmk(None, None, self, None) plt.plot(self, phase = phase, show = show) = filename, res = res)
[docs] def save_to_file(self, fname): ''' Saves the data to file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' save_models_to_file(self, fname)
[docs] def load_from_file(self, fname, idx_in_file = 0): ''' Load data from file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' data = load_models_from_file(fname) if idx_in_file > len(data): raise Exception('defined index in greater than the available number of models in the *.wdg file') else: data = data[idx_in_file] self.machinedata = data.machinedata self.results = data.results
[docs] def export_xlsx(self, fname): ''' Export the results to Excel xlsx file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' rep.export_xlsx(fname, self)
[docs] def export_text_report(self, fname): ''' Export winding report as a text file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' txt_rep = rep.TextReport(self)
[docs] def export_html_report(self, fname = None): ''' Returns a winding report. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name for html file. If not given a file is created in the temp dir of the file system (the file name ist returned by this function) Returns ------- filnename : string The file name of the html-file which is stored in tmp directory ''' html_rep = rep.HtmlReport(self) return html_rep.create(fname)
[docs] def get_text_report(self): ''' Returns a winding report. Return ---------- report : string Report ''' txt_rep = rep.TextReport(self) return txt_rep.get_report()
class project: ''' Provides all data-objects (all winding in workspace) ''' file_format = 2 def __init__(self): self.models = [] self.filename = None self.undo_state = [] self.redo_state = [] self._is_saved = False def get_save_state(self): return self._is_saved def set_save_state(self, state): self._is_saved = state def save_undo_state(self): '''saves the actual state of the models for undo function''' self.undo_state.append(copy.deepcopy([self.models, self._is_saved])) self.set_save_state(False) def save_redo_state(self): '''saves the actual state of the models for redo function''' self.redo_state.append(copy.deepcopy([self.models, self._is_saved])) def reset_undo_state(self): '''delete all existings undo state saves - no undo possible any more''' self.undo_state = [] def reset_redo_state(self): '''delete all existings redo state saves - no redo possible any more''' self.redo_state = [] def reset_save_state(self): '''set the save state to False for all redo and undo actions''' for k in range(len(self.undo_state)): self.undo_state[k][1] = False for k in range(len(self.redo_state)): self.redo_state[k][1] = False def get_num_undo_state(self): '''return the number of undo state saves = number of possible undo opserations''' return len(self.undo_state) def get_num_redo_state(self): '''return the number of redo state saves = number of possible redo opserations''' return len(self.redo_state) def undo(self): '''restores the last state''' if self.get_num_undo_state() > 0: self.models, self._is_saved = self.undo_state.pop(-1) gc.collect() # force to free memory def redo(self): '''restores the last state''' if self.get_num_redo_state() > 0: self.models, self._is_saved = self.redo_state.pop(-1) gc.collect() # force to free memory def set_filename(self, filename): '''saves the filename if a the data is load from file or stored to a file''' self.filename = filename def get_filename(self): '''returns the *.wdg filename if the project ist saved. Otherwise None is returned''' return self.filename def gen_model_name(self): ''' creates an unique title for a model ''' titles = [data.title for data in self.models] i = 0 while True: name = 'untitled' + str(i) if name not in titles: return name i += 1 def add_model(self, data): ''' adds 'data' model to project. Generates a unique title if there is no title in 'data' ''' if data.title == '': name = self.gen_model_name() data.set_title(name) self.models.append(data) def get_titles(self): '''returns the title of all models''' return [data.title for data in self.models] def get_num_models(self): '''returns the number of models in this project''' return len(self.models) def get_model_by_index(self, idx): '''returns the model with the index 'idx' ''' return self.models[idx] def delete_model_by_index(self, idx): '''deletes the model with the index 'idx' ''' del self.models[idx] def clone_by_index(self, idx): '''duplicates the model with the index 'idx' ''' data = copy.deepcopy(self.models[idx]) data.set_title(data.get_title() + '_copy') self.add_model(data) def rename_by_index(self, idx, newname): '''change the title of the model with the index 'idx' with name 'newname' ''' self.models[idx].set_title(newname) def replace_model_by_index(self, newmodel, idx): '''replaces the model of index 'idx' with 'newmodel' ''' self.models[idx] = newmodel def analyse_all_models(self): '''analyse/recalculate all existing models''' for m in self.models: m.analyse_wdg() def save_to_file(self, fname): ''' Saves the data to file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' save_models_to_file(self.models, fname, file_format = self.file_format) self.reset_save_state() self.set_save_state(True) def load_from_file(self, fname): ''' Load data from file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' models = load_models_from_file(fname) if len(models) > 0: self.models = [] for m in models: self.add_model(m) self.set_filename(fname) self.reset_undo_state() self.reset_redo_state() self.reset_save_state() self.set_save_state(True) def save_models_to_file(models, fname, file_format = 2): ''' Saves winding models to file. The data is stored as a json file. Parameters ---------- models: datamodel object or list of datamodel objects models to save fname : string file name ''' if not hasattr(models, '__iter__'): models = [models] M = {} M['file_format'] = file_format M['models'] = [] for data in models: N = {} N['machinedata'] = data.machinedata if type(N['machinedata']['wstep']) == type(fractions.Fraction() ): N['machinedata']['wstep'] = str(N['machinedata']['wstep']) N['title'] = data.title N['notes'] = data.notes M['models'].append(N) # save as ASCII file with open(fname, 'w') as f: json.dump(M, f, indent = 2) def load_models_from_file(fname): ''' Load winding models from file. Parameters ---------- fname : string file name ''' try: if os.path.isfile(fname): with open(fname) as f: M = json.load(f) except: # file_format 1 is saved compressed import gzip with gzip.GzipFile(fname) as f: # gzip s = # bytes s = s.decode('utf-8') # string M = json.loads(s) # data if M['file_format'] == 1: models = [] data = datamodel() data.machinedata = M['machinedata'] if 'turns' not in data.machinedata.keys(): data.machinedata['turns'] = 1 data.analyse_wdg() models = [data] elif M['file_format'] == 2: models = [] for m in M['models']: data = datamodel() for key, value in m['machinedata'].items(): data.machinedata[key] = value if type(data.get_windingstep()) == type(''): data.set_windingstep(fractions.Fraction(data.get_windingstep())) data.set_title(m['title']) data.set_notes(m['notes']) data.analyse_wdg() models.append(data) return models